Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Butter Bowls and Bread Boards

We opened Saturday, April 4, to welcome first visitors of the season who were looking for hints of spring. The sun and crisp fresh air invited a surprising number of people who talked about their quest for simple, but classic ways to add to their current collections and decor. It isn't always possible to point to a single "favorite," but this week end it was definitely primitive wooden butter bowls that received the most attention. Those we sold, ranged from very large to small, all with unique and interesting wear. Why butter bowls and bread boards? The bowls, handmade during a less complex time, represent hard work, durability, beauty and offer multiple uses. The bread boards have similar appeal, but were simply made of wood that was left, and put on the counter to be used as needed. Both of these items originated during a time when life moved a little slower and choices and options were fewer. Bank failures and lay offs loomed then too, but people did the best they could with what they had, and each other. They made it through just fine, and so will we. There is something current and comforting in the message these primitive old pieces send.