Saturday, March 7, 2009

Open....sort of

Sandy and Jane stopped by yesterday and asked if they could look through the shop. This is always a dilema for us, and most likely, for other shop owners as well. The shop isn't officially open until the first week in April, so it is still festooned with holiday decorations left to languish in late December when the temperatures dipped too low for the furnace to keep up. In addition, the treasures collected during the winter months are stacked in the aisles, blocking easy access for the early birds who are seeking that special find. Jane and Sandy said that only adds to the fun of discovery. :) We know the disappointment of driving through a town, finding an interesting shop only to have it closed. It was fun to throw open the doors, letting the warm sunshine and our first customers launch the season, even if both spring and the opening of the shop won't be official for a few more weeks.


  1. That's wonderful that you opened up! Maybe got a bit of the fresh air in for the first official opening. Great photo!

  2. wedding bird cage decorations
    can also be fun to collect. Such collections would surely be fun, because they are not just aesthetic, these objects are also extremely useful, especially to birds.
